A place to share stories, news and the successes of our customers
9 Apr
Who is a Farmer Anyway?
Ask the person sitting next to you to describe a farmer and chances are their response will include something along the lines of…white…male…mid fifties…probably wearing an Akubra…
12 Mar
The Power of Social Media in [Re]Building Communities
Grace Brennan launched Buy from the Bush in October 2019 and gained 20,000 social media followers in the first week.
Customer Stories
1 Jan
Tremlett Storage
We are on a mission to give you the visibility you need to get more value from your grain. We do this by enabling you with better record keeping that is secure and
18 Nov
Certified Fraudulent
While food fraud is not new, the motivation to tamper, substitute or dilute food and food products for financial gain is growing and is estimated to cost the global food industry US$30 to $40 billion every year.
4 Jul
Building An Agtech Ecosystem: An Antidote for Slow Decline
With the recent release of the Australian National Outlook 2019 finding that Australia is at risk of falling into a ‘Slow Decline’ by 2060, the impetus for emerging technology adoption and the creation of an AgTech ecosystem have never been so vital.
13 Feb
10 Agri-supply Chain Messages for Your Special Someone on Valentine's Day
A great valentines message is hard to come by which is why we’ve created a list of our favourites and turned them into cards for you to use on Valentine’s Day.