Daniel Farrell, State Director NSW/ACT - Markets at NAB: Interest rates, inflation and credit markets

By Henry Walsh
3 Nov
Safe and secure
Domang farm, Crooble, NSW, Australia
Wheat harvest ‘22
AgriDigital Head of Finance Henry Walsh is joined by Daniel Farrell State Director NSW and ACT of Markets at NAB in the third episode of Harvestable season two.

Having spent the last decade working across NABs financial markets from retail businesses to the institutional space, Daniel joins us to provide perspective on the current interest rate, inflation, and credit market environment. In his current role, Daniel leads the strategic markets desk and regional and agriculture markets dealers.

Chatting with Henry about the speed of change in interest and inflationary markets, he provides insight into what leading and lagging indicators will look like as fiscal and monetary policy decisions come into effect.

Despite strong commitment from the RBA domestically to bring inflation back within targets, Daniel makes note that the confluence of international geopolitical challenges as being outside of our control and influential on market dynamics.

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Henry Walsh
Head of Finance

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