Jackson Morris, Manager of Acquisition and Domestic Trade, Premium Grains: What's happening in the WA grain market?

By Ben Reid
9 Nov
Safe and secure
Domang farm, Crooble, NSW, Australia
Wheat harvest ‘22
AgriDigital Co-Founder Ben Reid is joined by Jackson Morris Manager of Acquisition and Domestic Trade, Premium Grains, in the fourth episode of Harvestable season two.

Based in Western Australia, Premium Grains is primarily a containerised grain exporter out of Freemantle, shipping to up to 10 different countries a week. In what Jackson describes as goldilocks years, Western Australia is expected to harvest close to 23 million tonnes of grain this year, levels similar to last.

Discussing the simplicity of supply and demand logic, Jackson unmasks the layers of complexity in the supply chain thats created challenges for meeting global grain demand, despite the record supply. From domestic freight strain, to high container rates, this fireside chat provides a great overview of market and export dynamics.

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Ben Reid