Three Ways AgriDigital Onfarm Improves Your Grain Contract Execution

By Emma Williams
4 May
Safe and secure
Domang farm, Crooble, NSW, Australia
Wheat harvest ‘22
Finally, the finish line is insight - the endless days and nights on the harvester are almost done and dusted for another year. But where the heavy lifting of harvest ends, the next phase begins - making critical grain marketing decisions and executing against contracts, the outcomes of which will impact farm cash flow and profitability.  

Grain contracts often need to be negotiated quickly and during times of high pressure; farmers need to decide how much they want to sell right now and how much they want to hold, watching for higher prices in the future.  For confident decision making on the go, farmers need access to accurate, real time data on their harvested grain, yet many still find themselves relying on yield estimates provided by headers all the while acknowledging the relatively high error rates, or capturing weight and quality stats by hand and then completing the arduous tasks of slowly adding the numbers up to calculate what is in each silo.  

Data Capture & Security

When it comes to contract execution and meeting contract specs during and post harvest, the answer is AgriDigital’s grain storage management software, AgriDigital Onfarm; an easy to use app that puts the power of data into the hands of the farmer.  During the harvest and post harvest period, AgriDigital Onfarm comes into its own; it is essentially a ‘digital pocketbook’, capturing key harvest, delivery, sales and payment data and storing it safely and securely in the cloud.

Seamless Weighbridge Integration

Instead of relying on manual data entry and piles of paperwork during harvest, AgriDigital Onfarm integrates seamlessly with the weighbridge, recording key quantity and quality stats as soon as the trucks roll over the scales. These stats are synced immediately across all user profiles within the AgriDigital Onfarm app, so everyone with login access across the operation is ‘on the same page’ and working with the accurate and up to date data.    

Real Time Data

With these key crop stats and inventory levels available in just a few clicks, farmers can get to work making blending and storage decisions as well as executing on contracts. Farmers using AgriDigital Onfarm benefit from access to real time data - essentially a live inventory of their silos. This enables farmers to clearly identify their quantities remaining and the confidence to meet contract specifications.  AgriDigital Onfarm uniquely gives farmers a birds eye view of their harvested crops for the year, so they can optimise decisions around the most profitable mix of sales and storage.  

Grain marketing decisions are some of the most critical a farmer will make all year. By delivering real time data on their overall position at any point in time, AgriDigital Onfarm enables farmers to execute on these decisions with confidence. For more information on the AgriDigital Onfarm platform, the software for farmers designed by farmers, check out our website.    

Emma Williams
Marketing Manager

This feature was written by our Marketing Manager, Emma Williams. Emma is based in Sydney, but enjoys heading back to the family farm in Tamworth, NSW whenever possible.